Cerec – From inlay to ceramic bridge, we make your dentures in just one appointment
We offer high-quality dentures at our practice. From a small inlay to a ceramic bridge, we can make your dentures in one session. With state-of-the-art Cerec technology, your dentures will be made on the premises in our practice. No need for multiple appointments at the dentist, no lab waiting times. With this technology, there’s no need to make an cast of your teeth – we can just scan them.
No more gagging at the dentist – a relief for many patients.
For prostheses and removable bridges, we work together with a high-quality local dental laboratory. Technicians also support us on- site, helping us to ensure great quality; our high standards give you long-term satisfaction with the results.

2. The dentures are made immediately, using a computer to make a 3D model.

3. Then, the restoration made on the computer is machined out of a ceramic block.

4. Just a short time later, the finished ceramic restoration will be ready for use.